Monday, February 28, 2011

dear God


  1. Dear God i was just thinking..
    .by Ann Egloff Pirk Zimmardi on Friday, January 28, 2011 at 10:40am. As my brain takes in the world out there,my small world were i live,i often reflect on my God..i look across my farm and see the beauty he has created for us ,i smell the suculant smell he has floated in the air. i feel the love for the animals that abide here and see the deep beauty with in them. i think! do they see what i see,smell what i smell..well i think they do. But they have no worries nor do they know what lies ahead. they dont think about a God or they dont get up and say oh what a lovely tree, they just live for the moment.for food water and there own kind.and somewhere in there! are we.!.we are there care givers,with out us they would not exist..Do they know this..??My God made me a caregiver for animals..thats my job! i watch these critters in play ,i know when there happy sickly,worried,yes they have there worries!like when im running late and there hungry that worries them.or when there is something on the horizion they cant make out ,that worries them..they cry when there hurt,grind there teeth in pain yet they suffor in silence.My God has given me the ability to know them..then why has he not given me the ability to know the human..

  2. I sing in church ,stand in front of all these people with my worship team.i watch all these faces every week yr after yr.. yet i dont know them.i think.why are they here.just on sunday,do they think about there saviour during the week?do they thank him for there lives every day? do they even think about any one other then there immedit familys or them selves ? do they live for the moment !just for there own kind!for the stuff they have or can get?i think if i vanished would they think about were i was?or care enough to ask?they seen me over and over again and mabe i know 5 people by name and maybe 4 of them talk to me! horses always talk to me.they judge me not..when they look at me its with affection.but the humans in church look at me with blank eyes and empty hearts,..they think there being good people by worshiping there God..but the fact is they are there to cover there lives just in be forgiven,gas up for the week,but how many ever even think of there God beyond the church??

    how many think of anything other then themselves.well there not so far fehted from being one of my for the moment.and not see beyond the horizion and worry! worry that mabe they wont make heaven!so thay come to church every week pay there dues say there prayers and that takes the worrie away..but theres more to my God than just that..i can feel him all the time! i touch him all the time! i smell him all the time !he is with me all the time!.and when i sing he fills me with energy and love !! and i shake within his glory! he speaks with me and sends me sighns of what i must do for him. Why when i look about my church do i see only empty hearts and blank uncareing eyes?? i care about so much all the time..i care about my mom,my kids there kids the animals the whole world,nature.i eat to live not live to eat.I am just a lowly human yet i can see beyond the horizion.i pray to Thank you lord let me carry out your work in silence, with love .what ever you lay before me i shall endore...just please open the blank eyes of humans and let them feel and see what i see..let all the sufferings of animals and people be stoped..let the people stand up and see they can put a end to all this bad suff in the world...and please help the suffering animal who have never asked for the horrable things they endor.
    I now must wait for answer for it upsets me to be in my church knowing there is no true love there and people are but empty hearts...he has a reasone for me to be there i know.or is the reason to show me that all is not kind in my world
    and humans are but just animals with a bigger brain...i will see he will answer me... he made us in his likeness. we failed him once he washed it all away and gave us another chance but i think we blew it again..i can only hope people get it togeather and start doing the rite thing..amen
