Friday, May 27, 2011

old horse


Old horse old horse what brought you here
Carted stones this many's the year
Killed by stones and sore abuse
They salt you down for sailors' use
A warrior am I and at war I've been
Fighting for my country and king
Now I'm old and I'm in decay
It's poor old horse get on your way

My keeping once was the stable wall
Free from all cold winds and harm
Now in the fields I am forced to go
Turned out in the cold and rain and snow

My feeding once was the oats and hay
That grew in the fields and the meadows gay
Now I'll get no such at all
But pull at the short grass by the wall

The sailors they do me despise
Kick my body and damn my eyes
Cut my meat and pick my bones
Throw the rest to Davey Jones

Here is a hoof that was so well shod
Likewise a hide that sweat so hard
Whipped him lashed him drove him down
Rise up old horse and shine again

Monday, May 23, 2011

its hot today but this oldie i wrote in 99 will cool every thing offlol

ice water anyone 22 January, 2009 2 comments WHINNYHILL FARM WERE CRITTERS ARE MORE WELCOME THEN THE HUMANS WHO THREW THEM AWAY.. WERE THE BARN LITE IS ALWAYS ON,THE FEED BINS ARE FULL,AND THE HA that the deep freeze has set in,The once warm farm is now a big chore..the pump froze (we dont ussally have it this cold but 1 degrees was a bit much),so out came the 7 gallon plastic containers that had to be pain stakingly filled with half gallon milk juggs.and those gallon ice tea juggs (wich are nice and thick)that iv been saving all summer sure came in handy for the mini barn..iI set out just before day break in the dark to give my kids a long awaited drink but found the troughs filled to the top and iced over..ugg!i fumbled around in the faint lite looking for my axe but settled for the wood chopper with the big handle...I chopped and chopped to no i had to find empty buckets wich i did and they all refreshed them selves (all 19 of em) now being from the north originaly you would of thought id remember about frozen water.. so im sayen this now lol...when ya know a deep freeze is a comen !!leave room in the trouphs to be able to place fresh water for the horses to get a nice drink.and when it thaws if you can dump the ice water and get fresh.. ok your thinking oh why dont she use heaters? well due to this hills there no electric except in the barn(shed row) cant put a heater in all the buckets,each stall has 2 water can do..but its ok ill just get up later and turn up the sun..

Monday, May 16, 2011

horse prayer

A horses Prayer
I'm only a horse, dear Master, but my heart is warm and true. I'm ready to work my hardest, for the pleasure of pleasing you. Good corn, hay and water, are all that I wish to ask. And a warm dry bed to rest on, when I've finished my daily task. Don't strike me in needless anger, if I'm slow to understand, but encourage drooping spirits with a gentle voice and hand. Finally, O my master! When my health and strength are gone - When I'm getting old and feeble, and my long life's work is done - Don't sell me to cruel or strange owners, to be slaved to my last breath, But grant me the untold blessing of a quick and painless death; That, as you have always found me a patient and loyal friend, The years of my faithful service may be crowned by a peaceful end. I plead in the name of the Savior, Who cares when the sparrows fall. Who was born in a lowly stable, and knows, and loves us all! Your Faithful and loving friend, The Horse