Monday, March 21, 2011

when my dad met my mom on there first date he got her a white puppy! we talked about that a few weeks before she died..after she crossed over i hope

1 comment:

  1. when my dad met my mom on there first date he got her a white puppy! we talked about that a few weeks before she died..after she crossed over i hoped she went to see my dad but wasent really sure as she wasent a religious person..the other day i got up and had the erge to get away for the day so i went to virgilina for hay.the whole drive i thought about my mom. guess what i found???
    i named her yut-a-hay sha-naa spiret dog.translation from native american is welcome..great white one from the spiret world...i guess she made it to my dad.....:0) i feel better now ,,oh its a girl vet says 10 weeks old breed who knows??
