Thursday, July 14, 2011

the so called summer sore


  1. people know who i am.they no what i do ! if they have a problem thay can tell me face to face unlike you.most people i know are not afraid to confront the people they have a problem with.heres my name it ann..guess ill havr to look up you ip number and be rid of you..oh and then ill no who you are..yippy...see ya around....

  2. Ann its probably some spammer on here for kicks lol..or...someone whos really bored ..has nothing else to do but post ugly things on this blog. usually when people post & leave no name..theyr'e just out for cheap thrills.And maybe its someone thats just jealouse of you they come at you with a rage! lol..pityful isnt it?
    hugs Lynda

  3. ok gotta ya......:0)

  4. ya accually im have fun playing with this idiot lynda .i enjoy jerks...oh hay jerk this is ann...doesnt bother me in the least..i love brainless idiots they make me lauph..sit back and enjoy there show hahahahaha

  5. Lol..I just caught the post that said you were hateful??? maybe they have the wrong person? you are anything but of the sweetest people I know! Its probably a person who unlike you has never did anything to help these poor horses. OMG! Maybe its one of the people that send these poor babys to slaughter!! (*gasp*) hope

  6. Heyyyy! Great News! We've got the posts in & the pastures alot bigger! YippY! lol...Its gonna be fantastic! * had to share this* lol
    hugs Lynda

  7. yeaaaaaa wonderful.they will love it ..chester is really getting chunky lol cant wait till you get him over there and work with so fond of him now didint wanna get word on those other two rescues yet...ann
