Monday, May 16, 2011

horse prayer

A horses Prayer
I'm only a horse, dear Master, but my heart is warm and true. I'm ready to work my hardest, for the pleasure of pleasing you. Good corn, hay and water, are all that I wish to ask. And a warm dry bed to rest on, when I've finished my daily task. Don't strike me in needless anger, if I'm slow to understand, but encourage drooping spirits with a gentle voice and hand. Finally, O my master! When my health and strength are gone - When I'm getting old and feeble, and my long life's work is done - Don't sell me to cruel or strange owners, to be slaved to my last breath, But grant me the untold blessing of a quick and painless death; That, as you have always found me a patient and loyal friend, The years of my faithful service may be crowned by a peaceful end. I plead in the name of the Savior, Who cares when the sparrows fall. Who was born in a lowly stable, and knows, and loves us all! Your Faithful and loving friend, The Horse

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